Locksmith Safety Tips for the Holidays

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Double-check your locks: Before heading out for holiday festivities, make sure all doors and windows are securely locked. A small oversight can lead to big problems.

Upgrade your locks: Consider investing in high-security locks for added protection. It’s a worthwhile investment to deter potential intruders during the holiday season.

Be discreet with keys: Avoid leaving spare keys in obvious places. Instead, give them to a trusted neighbour or friend. Burglars often target homes with easy access points.

Install security systems: A visible security system can act as a strong deterrent. Whether it’s alarms, cameras, or motion sensors, these measures add an extra layer of protection.

Secure your car: Don’t forget about your vehicle. Park in well-lit areas, and never leave valuables in plain sight. Consider steering wheel locks or other anti-theft devices for extra security.

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Customer satisfaction is key

car locksmith near me, car key replacement near me, auto locksmith near me | NorthRiding Mobile Locksmith & Safe Technician

Customer satisfaction is key

Customer satisfaction is one of the foundations of the exceptional relationship, sometimes referred to as true customer loyalty. Because of this it is important to hit the essentials of customer satisfaction (reliably and repeatedly) so that you don’t let down those customers you ultimately hope to convert to loyalty.

Customer satisfaction is based on four predictable factors; i.e. customers are satisfied whenever they consistently receive:
1. A perfect product;
2. Delivered by a caring, friendly person;
3. In a timely fashion;. . . with (because any of those three elements may misfire)
4. The support of an effective problem resolution process.

At Northriding Mobile Locksmith, Jay strives to achieve all four of these factors with 100% of his jobs, so, in the unlikely event that you have an issue shortly after a job is done, we ask that you contact him (on 082 651 6416) to seek a resolution so that he may achieve true customer loyalty.