Master Key Systems

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When multiple people will need access to multiple properties or areas, the simplest solution is often to install a master system so that one key can be used to access multiple areas.

Today’s master systems can be fairly complex, and are not nearly as simple as the “skeleton keys” of days past.

A simple master key system would involve multiple locks that were keyed both individually and separately. In this case, the master key is usually kept by only one person since it is capable of unlocking quite a few doors, but there are some exceptions, such as maintenance crews at apartment complexes where there may be a few keys in select, responsible hands that can open all of the doors. These keys are designed so that, although the master key will work everywhere, a key that was made only for one door will only open that door, and none of the others.

A more complex setup would involve a three tiered system, where there was one key (or set of keys) that could open all the doors, another that could open a select set of doors, such as a certain building, and then individual keys to open the doors individually as well. This is an especially good idea for property managers or owners that hire different maintenance workers on different properties.

As you can see, master systems can get pretty tricky, and there is lots of room for error. Trust the pros to get it done right the first time. Give Jay a call today on 082 651 6416 and let him answer all your master system questions.

Lost Key Blues?

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Is the pressure of the daily grind getting to you? Are you tired of sitting in traffic and running around? The last thing you need to worry about is losing your keys and trying to find a reputable and affordable locksmith; well look no further… give Jay a call on 082 651 6416 and he’ll be happy to assist with any of your lock or lost key blues!


Why your commercial property needs a door closer

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Why your commercial property needs a door closer

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If you’re in a commercial property or business, you’re possibly aware of the advantage of door closers for entry doors. It’s a functional and effective way to ensure your property is protected from environmental elements and slamming doors while simultaneously ensuring high traffic areas are safe and secure as required. Keeping doors closed aids in reducing energy bills and safeguards against losing heat or cool air through poor performing doors.

Advantages of installing a door closer:

  1. Removes the issue of slamming doors;
  2. Ensures the door remains closed increasing security;
  3. Easy to use, ensuring smooth flow of traffic in a high traffic area;
  4. Maintenance is simple; and
  5. Reduces air conditioning and heating bills. 

Call or WhatsApp Jay on 082 651 6416 to discuss your specific requirements.


Customer satisfaction is key

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Customer satisfaction is key

Customer satisfaction is one of the foundations of the exceptional relationship, sometimes referred to as true customer loyalty. Because of this it is important to hit the essentials of customer satisfaction (reliably and repeatedly) so that you don’t let down those customers you ultimately hope to convert to loyalty.

Customer satisfaction is based on four predictable factors; i.e. customers are satisfied whenever they consistently receive:
1. A perfect product;
2. Delivered by a caring, friendly person;
3. In a timely fashion;. . . with (because any of those three elements may misfire)
4. The support of an effective problem resolution process.

At Northriding Mobile Locksmith, Jay strives to achieve all four of these factors with 100% of his jobs, so, in the unlikely event that you have an issue shortly after a job is done, we ask that you contact him (on 082 651 6416) to seek a resolution so that he may achieve true customer loyalty.

Safe lockout – what do you do?

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Safe lockout – what do you do? 

Protecting your business’ valuables is a fantastic idea, but sometimes those same protections can prevent you from accessing the property. In the case of safe lockouts, the concern is often that the owner will never be able to get their valuables back, or that the contents might be harmed by the methods of opening the safe. With Northriding Locksmith & Safe Technician, the safety and protection of this property is of the utmost importance, and Jay will take every precaution to ensure the integrity of the contents.

Most safes work off a dial or combination lock system. This form of locking mechanism works, at its most basic level, on a system of tabbed wheels (the group of which is known as a wheel pack) that are moved by rotating the dial. The tabs of the wheels (known as the fence) all connect at a certain point, and when the wheels line up a bar attached to the nose (a metal hook shaped form) drops to unite the wheel pack. Once the bar falls into the fence the nose must catch in the cam (another wheel with a groove that fits the nose), and it is at this point that the safe can be opened. The way the wheels are manipulated with the dial may vary from safe to safe, but this is no issue for an experienced safe technician as it is redundant to entry.


A digital lock works off a bolting system that prevents the safe from being turned without the code. The bolt (when locked) prevents the handle from moving the boltwork (the part of the safe that is moved by the turning of the handle); and keeps the safe secure. The keypad will send an electronic signal to the bolt and if the code is correct, this will retract the bolt and allow the boltwork to move freely.

Safe technology has become very advanced throughout the decades, and the process of opening an office safe is made more difficult by their more secure nature, compared to the common house safe. Without an override key, the safe will need to either be picked or drilled open; this is best left to a professional, so the contents of the safe are not jeopardised.

It is important to note, that not all locksmiths are skilled in the art of opening safes and may do more damage if they do not know where to drill, thereby leaving your safe compromised and necessary to replace.  If you are in need of an experienced safe technician contact Jay on 082 651 6416; he will require a picture of the safe to determine the category to give you an accurate quote to open or service your safe.