What to do if you’ve lost your car keys and don’t have a spare set.

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What to do if you’ve lost your car keys and don’t have a spare set

Northriding Mobile Locksmith can help you with lost keys for your car, truck or motorcycle.

For us to give you an accurate quote, you will need to supply the following information:

  • Make and model of vehicle
  • What type of car key you have lost – there are generally two types, these are remote keys and non-remotes (transponder keys). It’s probably easiest for you to WhatsApp a picture of both sides of your key to the Jay on 082 651 6416 to avoid confusion.

Remote Car Key Types

Your remote will most likely be one of the following three types:

a) Remote fob with key

Car Key with Remote Fob

The remote will unlock and turn off the alarm, the key is then used in the ignition to start the vehicle.

b) Remote entry fob with integrated key

Remote Entry Fob with Integrated Key

The remote will unlock the doors, turn off the alarm and immobiliser, whilst the key is used to start the ignition.

c) Remote Keyless System Fob

Remote Keyless System Fob

Keyless cars tend to have mechanical keys hidden in the fob know as a remote keyless fob, for use in emergencies to unlock the doors.

Transponder Keys: Non-Remotes

Transponder Keys Non-Remotes

Most cars after 1995 have transponder chips that are programmed to a specific car.

Non-remote keys will have:

  1. no remote central locking and
  2. no remote control functions on the key.

If your car key is broken then you won’t be able to turn the ignition, therefore the vehicle will not be able to start, so you will need a replace the ignition but not the transponder chip.

How much does it cost to replace car keys?

The cost to replace the key is dependent on the following factors:

  1. Vehicle Model, the make, model and age of the vehicle you have (this includes what immobiliser system the vehicle has);
  2. Key type, if it’s a remote key fob, keyless entry or made before 1995 without a chip inside.

Get at least 3 quotes – we recommend you get a quote from us (which you will most likely find to be cheaper than going to your local dealership), your local vehicle dealership and possibly another auto locksmith, but get a quote for your peace of mind.

I have lost my only car key, does it matter?

No, it does not matter, if you’ve lost your only set of keys, we can provide you with a replacement and re-program the new car key to match your vehicle. The old key will be de-programmed to make it useless, in case it has been stolen.

How long will it take to get a spare set of car keys?

The time it takes to provide a spare replacement key will depend on the following factors:

  1. The type of key (if it’s remote fob, keyless entry or transponder)
  2. The model of your car
  3. In stock–if the key blank is available or we need to order a new one in.

We do carry a range of key blanks but due to the number of different vehicles in the market we would need to check what is in stock at the time of your enquiry.

Can I get a car key made without the original?

If you don’t have the original key, we can program a new key for your vehicle, we may however, in some instances require your VIN number.

Will I have to change my car locks if my keys are lost?

With modern vehicles, there’s no need to change the locks, we may be able to either reconfigure the existing locks or program out the lost keys.

Lost car keys can be programmed out – any lost keys can be programmed out of the database of your car thereby stopping anyone else using them, this is done using specialist diagnostic equipment which is plugged into the vehicle.

What do I do if my car keys are stolen?

If your vehicle keys are stolen, we will be able to do the following:

  1. Stop stolen keys being used by reprogramming your vehicle and deprogramming the stolen keys, so the old ones are no longer operational.
  2. Reconfigure locks and ignition, this is dependent on the age of the vehicle (door locks and ignition barrel may need to be reconfigured).

Type of vehicle keys we can replace

All types of vehicles, it’s not just lost car keys, we can also assist with

  • Motorbike
  • Scooter
  • Van
  • Truck
  • Caravan
  • Canopy

Manufacturer keys that can be replaced

Regardless of what model you have, we can replace most manufacturers ranging from BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Land Rover, Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Honda, Volkswagen, Fiat, Mazda, Citroen, Hyundai, Audi, etc.

Car key model prices vary, some keys may be more expensive than others due to the immobiliser system the vehicle has, and if the key needs programming.

Do I need to take my car to you?

We travel to you and do the work on site, with key blanks and programming software carried in our vehicle.


In summary, the quickest and most likely cheapest way to replace your lost car keys is to contact us to provide you with a replacement set fast.

Cost of lost car keys – will depend on your vehicle make, model and year.  The price of car keys does vary considerably between different cars.

Don’t have original key – this is no problem at all, as a new key be programmed to your car using specific software